Advanced Photography Course-Spring 2019


Advanced Photography

Develop your Photography even further with the Advanced Course.

In this module we work on challenging assignments at the level of Photo Academies and Art Schools. Or you can also choose to work on your own projects and start creating a portfolio.

Some of the topics also handled during the course will be:

-Printing and Mounting
-Digital Workflow
-Digital and Analogue Photo Collages
-Old Photographic Techniques (learn how to create your own cyanotype and sepia toned photos)
-A choice from more than twenty different assignments on the following topics:
Documentary / Visual Journalism / Contemporary Still-Life / Visual Story Telling / People and Portraits / Travel / Staged / Conceptual.

All classes are in English.

April 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, May 07th (Tuesday evenings)

Time: From 19:30 to 21:30.

Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 6 D
1012 NH Amsterdam (center)

Course Fee: €300,-

please fill in the contact form to receive  registration and payment details, your place is confirmed upon receipt of payment.